Hi all
Its friday and its Raining again in the good old beantown.
Interesting events have taken place in the last week.
First We moved to our new house in Quincy.
Second I frequented Dunkin Donuts for coffee more than i really wanted to.
Third, I finally got my kick butt bottom freezer fridge that I have wanted for a while.
Fourth I was mad that Taylor Hicks was not voted off Idol.
Fifth My favorite show, The OC made me angry by killing my namesake character off
Marissa Cooper. I am still in denial that they actually killed off the most
complex character on that show. I know my name is spelled Marisa but
when i was little NO ONE had my name on tv or anywhere else
NOW my favorite character is NO MORE
Seriously i think you think i am all nutso and loco en cabeso....but whatever
Do not even get me started on what happened on the Grey's Anatomy Finale
MCDREAMY cannot have two women
Addison deserves better
The vet needs dr. grey
enough said
I think tv show finales have put my emotions in a tizzy
they are just TV
and I need to get over it.
So when does the movie "the breakup?" come out?
anyone know?
I think at some point soon i need to watch Wedding Crashers again
That movie makes me die of laughter.
Nobody puts Baby in the Corner.
Happy Friday Y'all!
Go see Da Vinci Code
Drink Cocomut Martinis
i think that Taylor is gonna win. and I hope he does! so there! haha
and THE oC is pissing me off. MAN!
but I totally get what you say about your emotions getting all wrapped up in the season finales.
I watch THE OFFICE and I will miss it terribly.
you are so entitled to your own opinion. If you want taylor to win he just might. No biggie. Its not like you or I will see any of that prize. The oc made me angry when they killed marissa off. thats all
did you see desperate housewives last night. that was good
i miss project runway the most
Hey, saw yourlink off Kathryn's comments...
I'm a graphic designer too! soo yer cool.
I'll be in Boston in 2 weeks, thanks to my day job. (which I have to keep in order to support my designing addiction)
I put my wife thru college, but thankfully that's over.
oh, i don't like butter much tho... unless it's onna warm roll... then it's gametime.
oh, and "the office" rulz.
Hey, saw yourlink off Kathryn's comments...
I'm a graphic designer too! soo yer cool.
I'll be in Boston in 2 weeks, thanks to my day job. (which I have to keep in order to support my designing addiction)
I put my wife thru college, but thankfully that's over.
oh, i don't like butter much tho... unless it's onna warm roll... then it's gametime.
oh, and "the office" rulz.
hi bronxbt!
your cool too
graphic designers unite!
i just did! :)
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