Good Morning
So i took a chill pill yesterday and learned about this fun cartoon on CN. I have never been a huge cartoon fan...but i did love Jetsons,Flintstones, strawberryshortcake and smurfs. I used to also watch Fat Albert with my bro and it was FANTASTIC.
I have decided that even though this show has terrible marketing techniques that surprisingly are ingenious that I should probably check an episode out of it. Mainly i make this decision because how can you not like a wad of ground beef as a cartoon character?
Beef. Its whats for dinner. I like it that way.
Something about the premise of a cartoon posse consisting of FRIES, A shake, and a wad of rotten Beef trying to infiltrate a outdoor outground swimming pool in Jersey makes me snicker. For a friday I think this is a insane way to start off the weekend.alsoif i had a million dollars and a metabolism of the terminatorI would have nonfat extra dry cappucinos at starbucksand buy this duvet.come on someone! give us this duvet! Its fabulous and reminiscentof our honeymoon in Maui.
Dear Darling...what is the NAME of the meat cartoon? I tried to find it with no luck! xoxo,Lori
aquateen hunger force
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