Thursday, March 29, 2007

Hanalei Hottie

Good Morning

Its a beautiful(sorta chilly) spring day here in Boston.
Please keep in your prayers my cousins and their darling child Riley
who needs all your prayers as he is battling some serious health issues. is the blog address.

Spring is my favorite time of year.
The birds and squirrels are back out for some serious mischievness.
Crazy Bostonians also come out of hiding for some mischievness.

I do not have that much to report
other than i feel good and I am really enjoying my new gym routine
Yoga has done wonders for me.
What inspires me to live life is a host of so many things.
There is much to be thankful for
and I thank you all for being so attentive to my blog.

here is a picture of one of my favorite flowers of all time
David, the correct latin word for this is
"Paonia" . See, we have a thesaurus like battle about the word
Peony. Lets call the whole thing Paonia. That sounds fabulous.



Lori said...

My little dog Molly is chasing the mischievious squirrels. It is funny to see that spring brings out the guard dog in her--protecting the house from the chittering fluffy tailed critters!

MarisaJosephine said...

sushi our cat is running away from her litterbox as we speak. she is a bit scared of the new "automatic Litterbox we have brought into her life. BUT this automatic litterbox may have been the best thing we ever bought! hugs to you and liz and molly!